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How to configure IPMI from IPMICFG Utility

IPMICFG Overview

IPMICFG is a utility for IPMI devices configuration. It is a command line tool providing IPMI commands and Supermicro proprietary OEM commands.
It is designed for easy to use and no pre-installation required. Use it for basic IPMI configuration and BMC status reading and monitoring.


  •  Set up IPMI IP Address
  •  Set up IPMI Configuration
  •  Configure IPMI User Management
  •  Configure IPMI FRU
  •  Manage System Event Log (SEL)
  •  Manage IPMI by node management (NM) protocol
IPMICFG Linux version will automatically use linux built-in ipmi driver from ipmitool to access BMC. If there is no ipmi driver loaded, IPMICFG will use its internal API to access BMC. However, the performance will be slow.

Note: You should use root permission to launch IPMICFG.

Here is a step to load ipmi driver.

You should be type these command to activate openIPMI driver:

# modprobe ipmi_msghandler
# modprobe ipmi_devintf
# modprobe ipmi_si 

Installing IPMICFG

# cd IPMICFG_1.27.1_build.170901/Linux/64bit/

Most usefull options

-m Show IP and MAC address
-m IP Set IP address
-dhcp  Show DHCP status
-dhcp on Enable DHCP
-dhcp off  Disable DHCP
-k MASK Sep IP Subnet mask

Show IP and MAC address of IPMI 

./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -m

Set IP address of IPMI

./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -m IP=

Reset IPMI to the factory default

# ./IPMICFG-Linux.x86_64 -fd


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